Monday, May 5, 2008

May Ride: Get Crazy!

It's that time of the month!
No! Not that.
It's time for C.R.A.N.K. Mob.
This month we're encouraging everyone to wear costumes and bring noise makers.
Last month's Mob was great, and the Critical Mass at the end of April was incredible (it rode through the Capitola Mall).
Let's keep this going! This is magic. This is community. This is adventure. This is a rolling block party!

Invite friends, neighbors, family members, coworkers, classmates, the guy serving you a latte, the clerk at the bookstore, some woman at the beach, the clown from your eighth birthday party, the pizza deliver boy, the Mormon knocking at your door, the invisible elephant you talk to when you think no one is around, your ex-wife, your future husband, and that set of twins from El Salvador!
Show up with a smile on your face, a bike under your butt, and a friend at your side at the town clock at 9:30 this Friday (9th). We ride when the clock strikes ten!